• Hozelock EcoPower Plus Pond Filters

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Hozelock EcoPower Plus Pond Filters

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Hozelock EcoPower Plus Pond Filters

Hozelock EcoPower Plus 4000 Pond Filter

Our Ref: HZC151
Manufacturers Ref: 100-004-539
Our Price:
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Limited availability - 1 left in stock

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(Same day dispatch if ordered by 2pm Monday - Friday) - UK Mainland Only


Hozelock EcoPower Plus 6000 Pond Filter

Our Ref: HZC152
Manufacturers Ref: 100-004-541
Our Price:
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Limited availability - 1 left in stock

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(Same day dispatch if ordered by 2pm Monday - Friday) - UK Mainland Only


Hozelock EcoPower Plus 10000 Pond Filter

Our Ref: HZC153
Manufacturers Ref: 100-004-543
Our Price:
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Limited availability - 2 left in stock

Free Next Working Day Delivery Upgrade
(Same day dispatch if ordered by 2pm Monday - Friday) - UK Mainland Only


The Hozelock EcoPower Plus 4000, 6000 and 1000 pond filters are simple and effective combined filter units which have a high outflow position, making it easy to hide. These "box type" filter are made with high quality modern materials and incorporate both mechanical and biological filtration materials (Kaldnes K3 and foam) and an integrated high wattage UVC. Water is pumped from your pond (pump sold separately) into the UVC which is mounted in the filter lid via a 20, 25, 32, 40mm (¾", 1", 1¼", 1½"). The UVC chamber features a “turbulator” to ensure that the water is exposed correctly to the UV light produced by the UV bulb. This clumps the algae that causes greenwater together. Next the water passes through a venturi to aeration before passing into the bottom of the filter, through the biological media, and then rises up through the foam filters , before exiting the filter through the 40mm outflow connection (2 outflow connections on the 10,000). To aid cleaning, this filter also has a desludge connection near the bottom.

Supplied with a 2 year guarantee and a 5m power cable

Hozelock EcoPower Plus 4000, 6000 and 1000 Combined Filter Features
• Combined filtration using sheet foam and Kaldnes K3 plastic media
• Built in 8w - 16w UV Clarifier (depending on model)
• Inlet control valve on smaller models
• Simple effective mechanical and biological filtration
• Integrated venturi aerator
• Clear Water Guarantee

Use the table below to select the correctly sized item. If you have any difficulties deciding which size is right for you, contact us by email or phone and we will be very happy to assist you.

Pond Volume Litres (Gallons)
Included UV
Suggested Hose mm (inch)
Dimensions LxWxH mm
Maximum Flowrate LPH (GPH)
No Fish
8000 (1760)
4000 (880)
2000 (440)
EcoPower Plus 4000
40 (1½)
410 x 270 x 400
2000 (440)
12000 (2640)
6000 (1320)
3000 (660)
EcoPower Plus 6000
40 (1½)
410 x 270 x 400
2500 (550)
20000 (4400)
10000 (2200)
5000 (1100)
EcoPower Plus 10000
40 (1½)
410 x 270 x 520
4500 (990)
To calculate the approximate volume of your pond, select the Shape, Unit of Measurement and amount of shading, then press calculate. If you would like to try different combinations, remember to press Reset between calculations.
Pond Shape
Pond Size
Rectangular Metres / Litres Full Sunshine  
Circular Feet / Gallons Partly Shaded  
Actual Volume
Effective Volume

What is Effective Volume ?
The effective volume is the quantity of water in your pond, plus an allowance for shallow and or ponds exposed to high levels of sunlight. Both of these situations will result in a higher than normal algae growth, and fish pollution. We advise that to ensure your that your equipment is correctly sized, the effective volume be considered the minimum size for the equipment you select. However do remember to check the details of the product you are interested in, to ensure that there are no other allowances or consideration specific to that product are required.

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