Oase InScenio OC (EGC) Controller (Cloud)
If a product is advertised with a Discount Code, we will email you a unique code as soon as your goods are dispatched. This code will be valid for use on our website 12 months from the date of your purchase.
Please note the following conditions of use:
Voucher codes are not transferable and must be delivered to the same address as your original order.
Our voucher codes have no cash alternative value.
If your original goods are returned for a refund the voucher code will become invalid and the value of a used voucher code will be deducted from your refund. |
If a product is advertised with a Discount Code, we will email you a unique code as soon as your goods are dispatched. This code will be valid for use on our website 12 months from the date of your purchase.
Please note the following conditions of use:
Voucher codes are not transferable and must be delivered to the same address as your original order.
Our voucher codes have no cash alternative value.
If your original goods are returned for a refund the voucher code will become invalid and the value of a used voucher code will be deducted from your refund. |